Hi, I'm Christine

You are here because you’re ready for more.  

You have started each new year with a plan – THIS YEAR you are finally going to get your shit together, earn more money, journal everyday, meditate, eat healthily, nourish your relationships, gorow your career (or your business)…  And the plan never works out the way you hope.  

You’re a little curious about woo woo, you’re hearing more and more about self-love, mindfulness, limiting beliefs, and managing your mindset.  You’ve heard this can be a game-changer across your whole life, but getting started is hard. 

I know, because I’ve been there!

Welcome to Letting Go Living More.

I’m here to help you to focus on the things that matter, and let go of the rest.     

What do I know about all of this?

I have a serious career, and worked hard for my job and the foundations that got me there, including a Law degree and being a qualified Chartered Accountant (or CPA for those of you in the US).   

I’m also a cancer survivor. 

In May 2016, I was single, busy and successful at work. I had a full social life and felt pretty healthy. By a stroke of luck, I had a minor medical issue which caused my doctor to order a few tests. This led to more (and scarier) tests.  I got diagnosed at 5pm on a Friday afternoon with thyroid cancer.  What a way to start the weekend…  It was three days before I could see a specialist, who would tell me I was not about to die (because let’s be honest, with you hear the Big C, that’s the first thing you think!). 

During those three long days, I considered what was important to me. I decided what I would prioritise if I survived. I planned what I would do with my last 3, 6 or 12 months if my cancer was terminal.

Best Laid Plans…

I made lots of promises to myself when I found out I was going to be ok. But as often happens, life got in the way, and soon enough I was back to old habits. Not living my promises to myself. Telling myself the same stories as to why I wasn’t changing my life for the better. Making commitments to start the inner work/meditation/decluttering/diet/health kick/budgeting on Monday (always Monday!).

Letting Go, Living More

At the beginning of 2019 I decided this was not the life I wanted to live. I wanted to work less, but be financially stable enough to reduce my hours without worrying about the bills. I wanted to enjoy the beach and the outdoors. I wanted to focus more on my health, and to start to do the inner work I’d been avoiding for most of my life.

As I have let go of limiting beliefs, I’ve manifested my dream life.  I want to give you the tools to do the same, and continue the journey together. It’s time to do the work, and let go of the limiting beliefs that have held you back until now.

Click on any of the images below to get started…

Still here?  Well then here’s a few more things about me:

  • I was born in England but have lived overseas since 2007
  • I’ve run a marathon in Antarctica (yep, really)
  • I am trained in fire eating and fire breathing (and so is my mom!)
  • When I was younger, I wanted to be an actress
  • I don’t like cake.  Give me corn chips over cake any day of the week

Ok, that's enough procrastinating. What are you waiting for? Sign up for my free budget spreadsheet and start living more!